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24 Icon Open To Revival Role

Kiefer Sutherland: Has He Lived Through His Last Day as 24 Hero Jack Bauer?

24 Icon Open to Revival Role

In a breaking story, Kiefer Sutherland, the iconic star of the hit television series 24, has expressed his interest in reprising his role as Jack Bauer in a potential revival. However, the actor has also hinted at a bolder vision for the franchise.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Sutherland acknowledged that he is not ruling out the possibility of returning to the character he played for eight seasons. "I'm not saying no," he said, when asked about a potential revival.

A Grander Plan for the Franchise

While Sutherland is open to revisiting the role of Jack Bauer, he also hinted at an even more ambitious plan for the franchise. "I have another idea for 24," he said, without providing further details. This revelation suggests that Sutherland may be considering a more comprehensive approach to the franchise, beyond just a simple revival.

Previous Return in 2014

Sutherland did once return to the role of Jack Bauer in 2014 for the 12-episode limited series 24: Live Another Day. The series was met with mixed reviews, but it did demonstrate that Sutherland was still capable of delivering a compelling performance as the iconic character.

Future of the Franchise

The future of the 24 franchise remains uncertain, but Sutherland's comments have reignited interest in the possibility of a revival or continuation. Whether Sutherland's bolder plan will come to fruition remains to be seen, but his willingness to return to the role of Jack Bauer is sure to please fans of the long-running series.
